It is a process of decreasing the negative impact of toxins on our physiology. It helps the body to transform toxic molecules [which the body regards as poisons] into less toxic substances and make them suitable for excretion. An inability to remove toxins from the body can be devastating to our health.
Why Your System Might Be Toxic
There are many reasons for toxicity:
- Exposure to outgassing from paint, new carpets, upholstery and new woodwork
- Exposure to pesticides, petrol, herbicides, air fresheners, industrial gases and fumes
- Exposure to pollens and moulds
- Exposure to toxic metals – lead, mercury, cadmium, fluoride, arsenic
- Exposure to organochlorines, organophosphates: glyphosate, atrazine etc
- Consumption of high levels of sugar, alcohol
- Use of Recreational drugs and/or Pharmaceutical medications
Symptoms of Toxicity
A few symptoms which suggest that a detoxification programme might be appropriate:
- Migraines, chronic headaches, chronic fatigue
- Intolerance to caffeine, alcohol
- Garlic makes you ill
- Cognitive dysfunction
- Foul smelling stools
- Brain fog
- Unresolved back and neck pain
- Psoriasis, Acne
- Tingling in fingers, feet, toes, face
Detoxification occurs through the liver, kidneys, intestines and the skin. Toxins that the body is unable to eliminate accumulate and are stored in adipose tissue. However, they can be released from these fat stores into systemic circulation causing significant health problems. Many times toxicity can cause inflammation which is now known to be the number one cause of inflammatory degenerative diseases.